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Standalone widgets to power your library

Intuitive. Simple. Functional.

At Mugo, we create website solutions designed for public libraries that deliver engaging experiences for patrons and staff alike.

illustration of a smart device amid a stack of books. A ladder connects the smart device and the rest of the world. People are moving between the spaces, reading books and interacting with elements.
illustration of people sitting on large books, letters, and smart devices. A silhouette of a city in the background.

Book Club Kits

Allow patrons and staff to view all kits, show availability by day and month, and submit booking reservations.

Staff can configure: how long a booking lasts; how many days in advance a kit can be booked; and how many days of buffer time between a previous booking and the next booking.

calendar icon.png

A versatile meeting room management system inside your CMS makes for better staff and user experience. Administer different types of rooms or resources with individual calendars and content.

Power up your library's programs with the built-in calendar manager and event registration system.

Need some better web tools for your library?